A brief history from the beginning of the County Park to the present.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Sweet Arrow Lake was stocked with 1,000 trout from the Swatara coopertive trout nursery and with over 4,000 trout from the PA Fish and boat Commission.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Schuylkill Leadership Class of 2007 paid for and helped erect a 24' x 32' picnic pavilion in the Falls Parking area. About 25 members of the class attended and asseembled 3 picnic tables and cleaned up the trail as well.
Monday, April 02, 2007
The Schuylkill County Commisioners stock the first trout ever placed in Sweet Arrow Lake by the PA Fish and Boat Commission. In order Commissioners Mantura Gallagher, Robert Carl and Frank Staudenmeier. Gary Slutter, WCO "pipes" in the remainder of the 2,000 rainbows.